Lori A. Brainard, PhD

Selected Publications

Jung, G., A. Eikenberry, K. Webb Farley, L. A. Brainard. (Forthcoming, in press) “How Do Foundations Support (Anti-) Racism? A Critical Race Theory Perspective on Philanthropy and Racial Equity.” Journal of Philanthropy & Marketing. *

(Article Forthcoming)


Brainard L.A. (2020) “Online Communities.” In: List R., Anheier H., Toepler S. (eds) International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Springer.*


Brainard, L. A. (2020). “Putting ‘Perspectives’ in Perspective: Literary Fiction, Empathy, & Diversity in the Public Affairs Classroom.” Public Integrity: 23(3): 310-327. *


Zavattaro, S. and L. A. Brainard. (2019). "Social Media as Micro-Encounters: Millennial Preferences as Moderators of Digital Value Creation.” International Journal of Public Sector Management: 32(5): 534-552. *



Brainard, Lori and J. Augeri. (2018) “Advocacy Of, By, and For the Internet: The 2012 Protests Against Anti-Piracy Legislation” pp. 109-122, in McNutt, J. Technology, Activism, & Social Justice in a Digital Age. Oxford University Press.*


Brainard, L.; K. Boland, & J. McNutt. (2018). “Social Media and Leaderless Social Movement Organizations: Implications for Transnational Advocacy.” Pp 185-198 in McNutt, J. Technology, Activism, & Social Justice in a Digital Age. Oxford University Press.


Hatcher, W., B. McDonald, and L. A. Brainard. (2017). “How to Write a Case Study for Public Affairs.” Journal of Public Affairs Education. 24(1): 1-12. *


McNutt, J., and L. A. Brainard, with Y. Zeng and P. Kovacic. (2017). “Information and Technology for Associations.” Pp 1060-1073 in Smith, D. H., R. Stebbins and J. Grotz, eds., Chapter 43. The Palgrave Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations. Hampshire, England: Springer Palgrave Macmillan.*


Directing Public Affairs Programs

Brainard, L. A. “Directing Public Affairs Programs.” Journal of Public Affairs Education 23(3):779-784


Brainard, L. A. (2017). “Taking Care of Yourself Shouldn’t Be a Luxury.” Pp. 195-198 in Reflections on Academic Lives: Identities, Struggles, and Triumphs in Graduate School and Beyond. Zavattaro, S. and Orr, S, eds., New York: Palgrave MacMillan.


"The Challenges and Rewards of Service: Job Satisfaction among Public Affairs Program Directors"

Brainard, L.A. and D. Infeld. (2017). “The Challenges and Rewards of Service: Job Satisfaction among Public Affairs Program Directors.” Journal of Public Affairs Education. 23(3).


"An Internet Utopia? Government Use of Web Technologies to Engage Citizens in the US"

Brainard, L. A. (2016). “An Internet Utopia? Government Use of Web Technologies to Engage Citizens in the US.” International Journal of Organizational Theory and Behavior. 19(4): 459-478.


Brainard, L. A. (2016). "Fostering Engagement Through Social Media: The Case of the DC Police Department.” Pp. 117-134 in Zavattaro, S. and T. Bryer, Social Media For Government: Theory and Practice. Routledge.*


"Pursuing the promises of social media? Changes in adoption and usage of social media by the top 10 U.S. police departments"

Edlins, M. and L. A. Brainard, “Pursuing the Promises of Social Media? Changes in Adoption and Usage of Social Media by the Top 10 Police Departments.” Information Polity. 21(2016): 171-188.


“Top 10 US Police Departments and Their Social Media Usage.”

Brainard, L. and Mariglynn Edlins. “Top 10 US Police Departments and Their Social Media Usage.” American Review of Public Administration 45(6): 728-745. (2015).


"Electronic Commons, Community Policing and Communication: On-Line Police-Citizen Discussion Groups in Washington, DC"

Brainard, L.A. and T. Derrick-Mills. “Electronic Commons, Community Policing and Communication: On-Line Police Citizen Discussion Groups in Washington, DC.” Administrative Theory and Praxis: 33 (3): 383-410. (2011).


“Virtual Government-Citizen Relations: Informational, Transactional, or Collaborative?”

Brainard, L.A. and J. G. McNutt. “Virtual Government-Citizen Relations: Informational, Transactional, or Collaborative?” Administration & Society, 42 (7): 836-858. (2010).


“Sovereignty Under Siege, Or a Circuitous Path for Strengthening the State?: Digital Diasporas and Human Rights”

Brainard, L. A. and J. M. Brinkerhoff. “Sovereignty Under Siege, Or a Circuitous Path for Strengthening the State?: Digital Diasporas and Human Rights” International Journal of Public Administration. 29(8): 595-618. (2006).


Brainard, L. A. (2009). “Cyber-Communities,” pp. 597-601 in Anheir, H. K. and S. Toepler, eds. International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. New York: Springer Publications.*


“Television Policy: Economic vs. Content Regulation and Deregulation”

Brainard, L. A. “Television Policy: Economic vs. Content Regulation and Deregulation.” Focus on Law Studies 20(1), pp. 1,8-9 manuscript length 10 pages (lead article in special issue on “Television, the FCC and Regulation”). American Bar Association. (2004).


“Towards Nonprofit Organization Reform in the Voluntary Spirit: Lessons from the Internet.”

Brainard, L. A. and P. Siplon. “Towards Nonprofit Organization Reform in the Voluntary Spirit: Lessons from the Internet.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 33(3): 435-457. (2004).


“Lost in Cyberspace: Shedding Light on the Dark Matter of Grassroots Organizations”

Brainard, L. A. and J. M. Brinkerhoff. “Lost in Cyberspace: Shedding Light on the Dark Matter of Grassroots Organizations,” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Vol. 33, pp. 32s-53s. (2004).


“Citizen Organizing in Cyberspace: Illustrations from Health Care and Implications for Public Administrators”

Brainard, L. “Citizen Organizing in Cyberspace: Illustrations from Health Care and Implications for Public Administrators.” American Review of Public Administration 33(4) 384-406. (2003).


“Cyberspace Challenges to Mainstream Nonprofit Health Organizations”

Brainard, L. A. and P. Siplon. “Cyberspace Challenges to Mainstream Nonprofit Health Organizations.” Administration & Society 34(2): 141-175. Lead Article. (2002).


“The Internet and NGO-Government Relations: Injecting Chaos into Order”

Brainard, L. A. and P. Siplon. “The Internet and NGO-Government Relations: Injecting Chaos into Order.” Public Administration and Development. 22(1): 63-72. (2002).


“Presidential Leadership, Interest Groups, and Domestic Policymaking Summitry: Balancing the Values of Efficiency and Representation”

Brainard, L. A. “Presidential Leadership, Interest Groups, and Domestic Policymaking Summitry: Balancing the Values of Efficiency and Representation.” Public Integrity 2(2): 91-104. Lead Article. Spring (2000).